Sunday, April 25, 2010


Seattle Freeze?

"On the one hand, it's nice to bop in and out of situations knowing people will smile and treat you well. Nice is like bubble gum — it's sugary and pleasant." But if all you ever get is nice, never flirty or risky, she says, that gum loses its flavor pretty quick, and the human experience becomes ultimately less rewarding. Even depressing.

"I like your bag"
A random coupling story that always made me smile was my friend that met his soon to be girlfriend on the streetcar. It was rainy they were both soaked and tired from a long day of work and there were two seats left at the back of the car. They politely walked into each other twice doing that, "After you." "No I insist, after you." thing we do when we're embarrassed and just sat beside each other. My friend smiled at her and said, "I like your bag." BAM! That was it. Seriously. They exchanged numbers a minute or so later and were dating for four years.

It seems like the harder you look for it the harder it is to find.

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