Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Bioinformatics Interview Questions and Answers


1. Tell me about the different kinds of DNA sequences.

There are three kinds of DNA sequences. Genomic DNA comes from the genome and includes both genes and extragenic material. cDNA is reverse transcribed from mRNA and corresponds only to the expressed parts of the genome. Recombinant DNA is man-made and is composed of artificial DNA.

2. What are the limitations of blotting techniques and what alternatives can you suggest?

The major limitation of blotting procedures is the length of time needed and the fact that they can accommodate only one probe at a time. DNA microchip technology permits the analysis of thousands of genes at the same time. DNA molecules are attached to the wafers in an organized array and are called the probes. DNA molecules taken from tissues are hybridized to the chips and are called targets, which are labeled with fluorescent light. The probes that have hybridized to the fluorescent targets are then identified by fluorescence microscopy.


Re: A man speaks the truth 3 out of 4 times. He throws a die and reports it to be a 6. What is the probability of it being a 6? (a) 3/8 (b) 5/8 (c) 3/4 (d) None of the above
# 4

prob. of getting 6 in a die p(e1)=1/6
prob. of not getting 6 in a die p(e2)=1-(1/6)=5/6
prob. of the man getting 6 in a die and reporting it as 6
i.e. truth p(e/e1)=3/4
prob. of the man NOT getting 6 in a die and reporting it as
6 i.e. lying p(e/e2)=1-(3/4)=1/4

P= p(e1)p(e/e1)

p= 1/6*3/4

p= 3/8
Answer is (a)

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