Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Neuroscience movies
Neuroscience at the Movies: Brainstorm
Douglas Trumbull / United States of America / 1983 / 106 mins
Christopher Walken, Natalie Wood, Louise Fletcher, Cliff Robertson, Jordan Christopher
In Natalie Woods’ last film, scientists have developed the Hat: a helmet that allows sensations to be read from a person’s brain and written to tape so that others can experience them.
This is great for rollercosters and sex but when scientist Walken is confronted with a tape recorded during someone’s death, he has to think twice before pressing play. Utilising Showscan special effects this is An undeniably stimulating film to kick off     our Reel Science programme and ignite a discussion with Centre of Clinical Brain Sciences Professor Stephen Lawrie from the University of Edinburgh on the ethics and verity of neurological science in film.
Memento chronicles two separate stories of Leonard, an ex-insurance investigator who can no longer build new memories, as he attempts to find the murderer of his wife, which is the last thing he remembers. One story line moves forward in time while the other tells the story backwards revealing more each time. Written by Scion013

Lorenzo's Oil
A boy develops a disease so rare that nobody is working on a cure, so his father decides to learn all about it and tackle the problem himself. 

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