Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A role for insulator elements in the regulation of gene expression response to hypoxia

A role for insulator elements in the regulation of
gene expression response to hypoxia

Maria Tiana1,2, Diego Villar1, Eva Perez-Guijarro1, Laura Gomez-Maldonado1,
Eduardo Molto , Ana Fernandez-Minan , Jose Luis Gomez-Skarmeta4,
Lluıs Montoliu and Luis del Peso *

In vertebrates, several regulatory
elements including CTCF binding motifs (36–38),
repetitive elements, [such as ALUs (39), SINE B2 (29)
and SINE B1 (30)] and scaffold/matrix-attachment
regions [S/MARs; (40,41)], have been shown to function
as insulators (25,42).

Thus, the insula-
tor activity described herein could be mediated by S/MAR

Elnitski bidirectional promoters’ prediction track

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