Friday, September 2, 2011

Work ethic: The 24/7 lab

Working weekends. Leaving at midnight. Friday evening meetings. Does science come out the winner?
Heidi Ledford

QuiƱones-Hinojosa — had no such qualms. His work ethic is no secret: a 2007 essay in the New England Journal of Medicine1 and several television and newspaper reports have traced his path from 19-year-old illegal immigrant from Mexico, labouring in the fields of California, to neurosurgeon at one of the United States' leading research hospitals. He did not get there by working 9 to 5.

Every so often, he asks a cancer patient or his or her family to join the lab meeting. It is a chance for the patients to learn about the research being done with their tumours. And for the lab, it is a reminder of the urgency of their work.

"When someone says 'I'm going to die in six months', it really hits them."

QuiƱones-Hinojosa, though, says that he has nothing against holidays. "Vacations are great," he says. "Take a weekend off."

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