Tuesday, January 3, 2012

365 days: Nature's 10 - Ten people who mattered this year.


Dario Autiero: Relativity challenger
Sara Seager: Planet seeker
Lisa Jackson: Pollution cop
Essam Sharaf: Science revolutionary
Diederik Stapel: Fallen star (fraudulent research, a psychologist from Tilburg University in the Netherlands) (as well as Marc Hauser, Harvard, evolutionary psychologist)
Rosie Redfield: Critical enquirer (Canadian microbiologist) "a propensity to say what was on her mind"
Danica May Comacho: Child of the times (7-billionth baby) in the Philippines
Mike Lamont: The Higgs mechanic
Tatsuhiko Kodama: Fukushima's gadfly (gadfly: a fly that annoys horses and other livestock)
John Rogers: Tech exec

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