Monday, March 30, 2009

scavenger hunt

Did some scavenger hunt on campus wih the club, about 12 ppl, 6 groups, 2 ppl each with an escort.

came down on 2nd place, just barely missed one riddle, if we only moved forward a bit more .... so close!

〜ね isn't it?

”ね”(ne) goes at the END of a sentence

これはいいですね。[kore ha ii desu ne.] [ex #698]
Isn't this nice !
ええと、映画館は駅の近くにありますね。[eeto, eigakan ha eki no chikaku ni arimasune.] [ex #699]
Er, the cinema is near the station, right?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

風 (ふう) (みたい) ??? style

This also means wind ...

# 日本風のマンションでいいです。 [ex #710]
A Japanese style apartment is fine.
# たまにタイ風焼きうどんを食べます。 [ex #4787]
I sometimes eat Thai-style stir-fried noodles.
# 露天風呂のある純和風旅館に泊まった。 [ex #4788]
We stayed at a purely Japanese-style hotel with an open-air bath.
# どんな風に卵を作れますか? [ex #5523]
In what kind of style can you cook eggs?

右 migi right
左 hidari left

昨日 kinou yesterday
明日 ashita tomorrow
本日 honjitsu today
来週 raishuu next week

食べる taberu eat
飲む nomu drink
書く kaku write

悪い warui bad
良い yoi good
新しい atarashi new
安 an relax

空の下 sora no shita Under the sky
空の上 sora no ue Above the sky

員 イン in employee
駅 エキ eki station
馬 うま uma horse
引 hiki pull
危 キ ki dangerous
過 カ ka excess, past
簡 カン kan simple

不 ふ fu negative
可 カ ka can

Pattern: subject (彼女 kanojo) wa, with (Tommy トミー) to, time ni, transportation (車 kuruma ) de, destination (駅 eki) ni, verb (itakimasu)
彼女はトミーとの駅まで車で行った ???
kanojo ha tomi^ to no eki made kuruma de itta
she went to the station with Tommy by car

Monday, March 23, 2009

eee pc optimizations

1. Circular Scrolling

all you need to do is edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file

under "Input Device" of your touchpad edit to look like the following:

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Synaptics Touchpad"
Driver "synaptics"
Option "SendCoreEvents" "true"
Option "Device" "/dev/psaux"
Option "Protocol" "auto-dev"
Option "CircularScrolling" "1"
Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true"
Option "SHMConfig" "true"

in firefox
mousewheel.horizscroll.withnokey.action - Set this to '1'
mousewheel.horizscroll.withnokey.numlines - Set this to '1'
run 'gsynaptics'

2. Firefox addons:
Download plug-ins for Firefox designed for compact computers and easier navigation. Some names to look for include: "Grab and Drag" and the theme "Tiny Menu."

3. Use RAMDISK in FireFox (check internet connection)
It turns out that there is a hidden setting in firefox called browser.cache.disk.parent_directory and all you need to do is set it's value to /dev/shm and restart firefox and then you are on your way to speedier surfing. so how do you set this, well it is simple

1) open firefox and type about:config in the address bar
2) accept the terms and click the "i'll be carefull" button
3) right click on any of the values on the screen to bring up the context menu and click new->string
4) the first prompt wants the name of the string enter "browser.cache.disk.parent_directory" without the quotes
5) the next prompt is the value set it to "/dev/shm/" without the quotes
6) restart firefox
7) type about:cache in the browser bar and it should tell you it is using /dev/shm under "Disk Cache Device" if you don't see a "Disk Cache Device" section you did something wrong.

4. Disable LAN and Webcam in the BIOS (Hit F2 upon starting the system) if these are not in use.


6. *some* of the boot process splash screens can be tweaked straight 'out of the box' via Control Center > Display > Theme > Splash Screen.

7. eee pc restore

8. flashplayer 10


A lot of us have switched to EEEbuntu on our EEE PCs. If you are like me, who likes to keep his netbook clutter free, you will want to set up RAMdisk. And if you thought that setting up RAMdisk in Windows XP was easy (see this article), then in EEEbuntu, it is even easier.

* RAMdisk is located at “/dev/shm”
* Open firefox and type in about:config in the address bar
* Click on “I’ll be careful”
* make a new string browser.cache.disk.parent_directory
* give it a value /dev/shm
* restart firefox

Usual warning about RAMdisk: you will loose all the data upon restart. That is why, it is only recommended for web browsers
For the techies, here’s the relevant section of my xorg.conf (see man synaptics for more info):

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Default Server Layout"
Screen "Default Screen"
InputDevice "Generic Keyboard" "Core Keyboard"
InputDevice "Synaptics Touchpad" "Core Pointer"

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Synaptics Touchpad"
Driver "synaptics"
Option "SendCoreEvents" "true"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
Option "Protocol" "auto-dev"
Option "CircularScrolling" "1"
Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true"
Option "SHMConfig" "true"

Section "Extensions"
Option "Composite" "Enable"

たい - I want

# 日本に行きたいです。 [ex #6442] (nippon ni iki taidesu)
(I) want to go to Japan.

# 君のところへ行きたいよ。 [ex #6458] (kun notokorohe iki taiyo)
(I) want to go to where you are.

# 日本で英語をおしえたいです。 [ex #6671] (nippon de eigo wooshietaidesu)
I want to teach English in Japan.

金 kin gold
魚 [さかな] (n) fish [K] [D]

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Confusing Katakana

shi シ tsu ツ so ソ

Protein translocation and translation

Protein translocation and translation, signal peptidase complex (spc), ribosome,

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Mechanistic Basis of Enzyme-Targeted Drugs

Most often, subtle changes occur in the side
chain and main chain positions of the enzyme in order to
bind the substrates transition state optimally.

James G. Robertson*
Softzymics, Inc., Princeton, New Jersey 08540
Biochemistry, 2005, 44 (15), pp 5561–5571
DOI: 10.1021/bi050247e
Publication Date (Web): March 22, 2005

Some interesting paragraphs from the paper ...

Thus, it should be stated again. Enzymes are catalysts,
and the catalytic event is at least as important if not more
important than the binding event. Enzyme catalysis progresses
through binding events, conformational changes, one or more
transition states, or reaction intermediates, and product
release, and all of these steps occur with defined rate
constants. The rate constants define a thermodynamic profile
that can be used for drug design, and this differentiates
enzymes from all other target classes.

the larger the increase in replication time, the more toxic the drug

addition, purely kinetic information can be used to predict
potential drug toxicity. As an example, a detailed pre-steady-
state kinetic analysis of human mitochondrial DNA poly-
merase has been used to predict the potential toxicity of
marketed antiviral drugs.

of the major lessons to be learned from marketed drugs is
that nature has designed enzymes to perform a selective
chemical reaction, and therefore, it is likely that the most
potent drugs to be discovered or designed will be related to
the substrate structure, reactivity, or electrostatic potential
surface of intermediate(s) or transition state(s).

Thursday, March 12, 2009

でも demo 'but'

* 品質はいい。でも、値段は高いです。[ hinshitsu ga ii demo nedan ha takai desu.] [ex #870]
The quality is good but the price is high.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Want to know more about SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms)? Eg rs4420638 and rs429358 can raise the risk of Alzheimer's disease by more than 10x

Got this from this blog

Monday, March 9, 2009


what you feel, what you see, 衝撃的 あなたの愛 包まれて
Lady Love 目覚め 私は今 生まれ変わる Woah…
ときをとめて won't you feel everything こんな風にいつまでも
あなたと過ごせるように輝いていたい Woah…

what you feel, what you see,shougekiteki anata no ai tsutsumarete
Lady Love mezame watashi wa ima umarekawaru Wo...
toki wo tomete won't you feel everything konna fuu ni itsumade mo
anata to sugoseru you ni kagayaite itai Wo...

What you feel, what you see
Wrap your shocking love
Lady Love, awaken, I am reborn

When you stop time, won't you feel everything
to forever...
Stay this way?
In order for me to pass with you,
I want us to be shining! Wo...

shougeki = 衝撃 = shock
mezame = 目覚め = awaken
umare = 生まれ = birth
kawaru = 変わる = to transform
toki = とき = time
tomete = とめて = stop
konna = こんな = like
fuu = 風 = wind/air
itsumade mo = いつまで も = forever
sugoseru = 過ごせる = to pass
kagayaite = 輝いて = to shine
itai = いたい = want


Sugar - GO THE DISTANCE (English & Japanese Subtitles)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Common Katakana

ッ - silent syllable
ー - prolonged vowel eg coffee - kohii - コーヒー, butter - bataa - バター

ア - a (apaato)
イ - i (ofisu)
ェ - e (kafeteriya)
オ - o (ofisu)

タ - ta (kanada)
テ - te (kafeteriya)
ト - to (apaato, toire)

ナ - na (kanada)
ネ - ne (nekutai)

カ - ka (kanada, kafeteriya )
コ - ko (koohii)
ク - ku (patriiku, nekutai)

ヒ - hi (koohii)
フ - fu (ofisu, オフィス)
フィ - fi (ofisu)
フェ - fe (kafeteriya)

チ - chi (chiizu)
ベ - be (same as hiragana)

リ - ri - same in hiragana (patriiku)
ル - ru (biiru)
レ - re (toire)
ロ - ro (zero)

ゼ - ze - like se in hiragana (zero)
ニュ - nyu (like two) (nyuusu)
バ - ba (basu)
ビ - bi (biiru)
ス - su (basu, nyuusu, ofisu)

Canada - kanada - カナダ
pc - pasokon - パソコン (note: so ソ and n ン looks about the same, so is more vertical than n)
data - deeta - データ
icon - aikon - アイコン
Internet - intaanetto - インターネット
Patrick - patrikku - パトリック
bus - basu - バス
cup - koppu - コップ or カップ (kapu)
coffee - kohii - コーヒー
cheese - chiizu - チーズ
bread - pan - パン
bed - beddo - ベッド
tea - tii - 紅茶
toilet - toire - トイレ
zero - zero - ゼロ
milk - 牛乳
news - nyuusu - ニュース
necktie - nekutai - ネクタイ
apartment - apaato - アパート
cash - 現金
beer - ビール
music - 音楽
office - オフィス
cafeteria - kafeteriya - カフェテリア (ya is different, looks like that hiragana)

Run bash scripts in debug mode with -x

Run bash scripts in debug mode with -x
$ bash -x ./ 8

Monday, March 2, 2009

more nouns

fire 火 ひ
room へや (heya) 部屋
shears はさみ
winter 冬 ふゆ
stars 星 ほし
snake へび
string 文字列
clothes きぬ 服
bee はち
water 水
apple りんご
black くろ
noon 正午
sky 空 そら
spring 春 はる
squirrel りす
sea 海 うみ
drink 飲む のむ
turtle 亀 かめ
spider くも
town 街 まち
peach 桃 もも
glasses 眼鏡 めがね
chair 椅子 いす
mouth 口 くち
world 世界 せかい
潮 Tide shio
糸 Thread ito
規則 Rules kisoku
下 Under shita
口 Mouth kuchi
坂 Ban saka

business card, name, address

business card 名刺 めいし
name 名前  なまえ
address 住所  じゅしょ (jusho)
telephone number 電話番号 でんわ ばんご (denwa-bango)
telephone  電話 でんわ
e-mail address e - mailアドレス (a-do-re-su)
cellphone 形態 けいたい (keitai)
key 鍵 かぎ (kagi)

Matsui-san no denwa-bango wa nan-ban desu ka?
What is your phone number, Mrs. Matsui?

03-3459-9630. Keitai wa 090-1234-5678 desu.
It's 03-3459-9630. My mobile phone number is 090-1234-5678

Sumimasen. Mo ichi-do onegaishimasu.
I'm sorry, could you repeat that?

あなたのお 名前 は 何 ですか?
anatanoo namae wa nan desuka?
What is your name?

カナダ から きました
kanada kara kimashita
I'm from Canada.

kaishain desu
I'm an office worker.